Patience is a virtue

Doing all the work on khadga by myself is taking longer than I thought. That being said, I’m kind of proud that I’m doing everything here. This is full stack all the way:

  • Front end in react
  • Using the bulma css library for UI appearance and functionality
  • Front end state managed by redux
  • Calls to endpoints in the khadga backend, written in rust using the warp framework
  • Writing the noesis webassembly npm library, written in rust
  • khadga doing CRUD operations on the mongod database
  • All the dockerfile and docker-compose creation, including a rust container for building
  • Figuring out how to get the docker image into Openshift Online Container Registry

One piece I still need to work on/learn is travis.

Why is it taking so long?

I installed the tokei program using cargo install tokei because I was curious about how many lines of code I had so far. It’s a program similar in purpose to cloc but orders of magnitude faster. I was surprised that in about a month’s worth of work, I’d only written about 1100 lines of typescript and about 500 of rust.

Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
CSS 2 10847 9139 3 1705
Dockerfile 1 19 12 3 4
HTML 2 29 27 0 2
JavaScript 4 41 39 0 2
JSON 5 14838 14838 0 0
Markdown 34 4902 4902 0 0
Rust 11 738 558 79 101
Shell 2 34 25 4 5
TOML 4 86 63 12 11
TypeScript 26 1468 1157 108 203
YAML 3 32 32 0 0
Total 94 33034 30792 209 2033

Admittedly, there’s more work here than just typescript and rust. I’m not sure where all that JSON comes from, because I told tokei to ignore any docs folders. Also, tokei will read in .gitignore files it encounters, so it won’t read in any extra folders (eg, node_modules, or directories that you compile your typescript to).

I felt like 1600 lines of code in a month’s work seemed pretty slow. But why?

React, redux and typescript

Some of the time is taken up because I’m not terribly great at react and redux, though I think I’m getting better. A lot of the time is spent hooking up state with the components and making sure everything is wired up. This is where unit tests really do help.

Although it honestly only took about a day to learn redux and react-redux, the hard part is creating all the glue in the react components. This is achieved through the connect and ConnectedProps functions in react-redux. That part is not hard. It’s more like managing the state store, and the types in the state store that’s a challenge. The reason I’m using react-redux is because I have components that are not direct descendants that need to communicate with each other, and this is one of the use cases that is applicable for redux (otherwise, you could use Context in react).

On one hand, doing this in typescript is a little painful, because I have to think about the types of the store, the types of the reducers, and what portion of state is being passed along in the mapStateToProps function. On the other hand, once it passes the tsc compiler, it basically just works. And the refactoring has been a breeze when I needed to extend or change the type of the store or the reducers. I can imagine how painful this would have been had I just used javascript, so I definitely think using typescript is worth it, even in this relatively small application.

I’ve been struggling with a myster react/redux problem. Currently, the app has a modal that will appear when the user clicks the Log In button. It actually works great, and if the user types in the right password for the username, the request reaches out to the backend, which then queries mongodb to see if the password matches. All that works fine.

However, if you select Cancel on the modal, and then click Log In again, whatever the user previously typed in is still there. That’s obviously a no-no security wise. At first, I thought somehow the input fields weren’t being re-rendered. I tried to create my own shouldComponentUpdate method, but because redux’s connect method returns a new wrapped class, that didn’t work. However, I eventually figured out that the component is indeed re-rendering when new state happens, and that new state has a blanked out username and password. And yet, in the DOM, the input fields still have whatever the user typed in.

The onChange handler is working alright. So I am wondering if maybe if the state changes, I need to somehow invoke the handler, because that works for sure to clear or set things.

Warp framework

Some of the time was spent in figuring out how rust’s warp framework works. I sort of understand the concept of Filters, they are like middleware in many other web frameworks. Rust’s closures makes understanding the types quite difficult though. This is somewhat eased by using impl or dyn traits though. But, there’s still a bit of time eaten up going through the warp docs and through the examples directory.

One of the bigger challenges was figuring out how to split out my handlers from the main function. Unfortunately almost all the basic examples showed all the handlers for the routes being defined inside the main function, which seemed odd to me. As you get more handlers, or your handlers start getting very large, you really don’t want a ginormous main function to handle the logic.

Also, warp uses closures a lot, but figuring out the type of a closure can be pretty tricky. Eventually I figured out how to define my handlers in its own module, and then import them in from the file. The best help here was to look at the examples directory on github.

Webassembly for noesis

There’s a lot of subtleties involved in using rust and wasm-bindgen to build webassembly. I have spent a fair bit of time going over the wasm-bindgen docs trying to get better at allowing rust to build webassembly that can be consumed by other javascript code.

For example, there is a JsValue that represents an opaque javascript value. This is not to be confused with Object which is an actual javascript Object. This is important to know, because exported [rust data in arrays have to be a boxed slice of type JsArray][-boxed]. If you try to do something like:

pub struct Foo {
	name: String

pub fn export_a_vec() -> Vec<Foo> {
	let arr = vec![Foo { name: "sean".into() }];

it won’t work. As the documentation says, to return an array of some values, first, it has to be a slice of JsValue.

By the way, the Foo struct itself won’t even compile. You’ll get a compiler error saying that Foo doesn’t implement Copy. You can’t implement it yourself either, since the name field is a String type, and it doesn’t implement Copy. What’s strange to me though, is that you can have an exported function in rust that returns just a String. It seems that fields in a struct that don’t implement the Copy trait are off limits however. I’m going to take a look at that deeper though, since that doesn’t seem right.

So how do you return an array of something?

Here’s an example of how I returned a list of media devices enumerated from window.navigator:

pub async fn list_media_devices() -> Result<js_sys::Array, JsValue> {
    let navigator = get_navigator();
    let media_devs = navigator.media_devices()?;

    // Create a javascript array
		let devices = js_sys::Array::new();
		// enumerate_devices() returns a Result, where Ok is a device, and Err is an error of some sort
    match media_devs.enumerate_devices() {
        Ok(devs) => {
					  // The Ok value is actually a Javascript Promise.  So we convert this to a Future
            let media_device_info_arr = JsFuture::from(devs).await?;

            // Attempt to convert the media devices into an iterator.
            let iterator = js_sys::try_iter(&media_device_info_arr)?
                .ok_or_else(|| {
                    console::log_1(&"Could not convert to iterator".into());
                .expect("Unable to convert to array");

            // Walk through the iterator, and push the result into our devices Array
            for device in iterator {
                let device = device?;
                let device_info = device.dyn_into::<MediaDeviceInfo>()?;

                let stringified =

        Err(e) => Err(e),

With all the above going on, I’m very curious if this is any faster than just using raw javascript. I’ll have to test this out sometime.

But, there are a lot of intricacies to writing rust with wasm-bindgen. Just looking at the book, and you can see all the details. Even understanding the Cargo.toml file can be a little tricky. Then there’s also wasm-pack to get familiar with. One of the trickier aspects of wasm-bindgen is knowing which features to add to your Cargo.toml file to make it work. For example, if you are getting an HtmlElement from the DOM, you need to add the Document and HtmlElement feature flags. For example:

version = "0.3.33"
features = [


I’m not a docker expert. I’ve built a few dockerfiles before and 2 other docker-compose files before. I can mount volumes and bind host:container ports. But there’s still a lot of stuff about docker that I’m not familiar with. That being said, nothing’s been too hard with docker, but I wish there was a better way to debug issues.

I spent a fair amount of time creating a file that builds an image that has rustup and nvm installed on Fedora 31. I wanted to have an image that can build the khadga project. Moreover, I wanted to be able to dynamically edit my front end bundle, so that I could more easily test what I was doing on a “real” system. It always confuses me to translate host system to container file system, and I invariably get the wrong paths, even if I use WORKDIR.

One thing that I haven’t done before that I am figuring out how to do is upload my own image. I am planning on using Openshift Online for my application, and one of the ways to run your app is to load it as a docker image. But it has to be in some kind of image repository like docker hub or the Openshift Container Registry. I’d prefer it to be on OCR, but the documentation is very slim on how to do this.

Openshift Online

I’ve been reading the documentation a lot to try to get a handle on how to do a custom application. OO really wants you do create a project with one of their standard languages or other templates (like mongod, jenkins, mysql, etc). They have an option to build a project around your own docker image. But it gets more confusing if you have multiple services. They use pods to handle multiple services, and then once all your services are in the pods, you can add them to the main cluster.

I’m also trying to figure out how to do DNS in Openshift Online. I haven’t found any good info on this so far, although they do have a section about DNS, but it doesn’t give much info. There’s also the developer guide section that I need to check out. I also need to figure out how to create a LetsEncrypt TLS cert, and automate the renewals.

I’m getting close to a point where I can put up a super-rough (and not yet very secure) alpha version of the application. So I need to get on top of this pretty soon. I’d like to be able to demo this off, even if it’s totally alpha.


I’ve slowly been going over the MDN documentation on how to get and list MediaDevice and MediaStream objects. That’s on top of figuring out how to create a signaling service. There’s some sample code on how to do this in MDN, but I need to translate it from javascript to rust on the backend and typescript for the client.

I’m doing baby-steps now to just get the local webcam. In fact, I could do a lot just with that. One of the main goals of the project is to do deep learning. For facial recognition I just want to grab data from the MediaStream both for training and as actual data to present to the layers. Eventually I’d like to do object tracking as well. For example, have a webcam sitting on top of some embedded devices that control servos that can point the camera to keep the moving in the field of view.