Running kubernetes
Here, we will show how to set up minikube and use kubectl
Installing minikube
You can follow the directions to install minikube here
Using minikube
minikube start --vm-driver=kvm2
minikube status
Creating deployment files
TODO: Go over all the deployment files we need
Installing kubectl
You can follow the directions here to install kubectl
Setting up kubectl
To get kubectl to use the minikube k8s enviroment by creating a new namespace, run this command:
kubectl config set-context --namespace=localdev minikube
Kubectl commands
This command will expose an already running pod named khadga, and attach a LoadBalancer service with a name of khadga-service
kubectl expose deployment khadga --type=LoadBalancer --name=khadga-service
This command uses the kompose file, and will run the get command on everything in the kompose
kubectl get -k .
Will display all the services running in the kubernetes environment (for the default namespace)
kubectl get service
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod -o wide
Shows how to delete various kubernetes objects like Deployments or Services
kubectl delete deployment khadga
kubectl delete service khadga-service
Uses the kompose file to apply all the config files. Looks for a kompose file
kubectl apply -k .
Creates a new namespace. Namespaces isolate the kubernetes environment
kubectl create namespace localdev
kubectl config get-contexts
Setting up gcloud
You can follow the directions here to install the gcloud SDK.
Once the gcloud SDK is installed, you will also need to initialize it.
gcloud init
kubectl commands
Allow gcloud to use docker
gcloud auth configure-docker
To set up auth for logging in, run this command.
gcloud auth login
To set the project in google cloud to work with, run this command
gcloud config set project khadga-dev
To show a list of images in GCR run this command, where the argument to repository is the URL for the GCR repo (eg,, etc), a slash, and then the name of the project
gcloud container images list
To show the tags of an image use this command
gcloud container images list-tags
docker-credential-gcloud configure-docker
To get credentials
gcloud container clusters get-credentials standard-cluster-1 --zone us-central1-a --project khadga-dev
General workflow for testing and deployment
- docker build your container images
- tag your images
- push the images to
- Update the config file for the updated image tag
For testing
- create a localdev namespace and use it
- Create the secret so that localdev knows how to use it
- patch the serviceaccount to use the imagePullSecrets key
For the first step, you need to create a new namespace if you haven't already:
kubectl create namespace localdev
If you have run this step before, you don't need to again. You can go to step 3.
You can either append --namespace=localdev to all kubectl commands, or you can make it your default,
where the final argument is the name of your context
. To view your contexts:
kubectl config get-contexts
Then to set your namespace to the context you want:
kubectl config set-context --namespace=localdev minikube
Next, you can set up a new secret key by following there directions here
Then you need to patch your serviceaccount to use the key that you downloaded.
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "gcr-json-key"}]}'